Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April Photo Challenge - In My Car

First, an update on Mod Podged fabric projects from yesterday.

The cosmetic bag. I lined it in pale green cotton and used a pink zipper. Cheeful!

The iphone cover. This was easier than I thought. I used a piece of wax paper and a sharpie to make the pattern. I'm really pleased with the result.

Last for today is the "wastebasket" closed & opened. It has the kind of closure you squeeze on either side and it snaps back into place. Easy-peasy. 

Don't you just hate all that flotsam & jetsam that winds up in the bottom of your purse? I'm really hoping this will help me keep a clean purse. Great idea, huh? Keep a little wastebasket in your purse. HA!

And now on to the April Photo Challenge.

I love my car. Let me say it again. I L-O-V-E my wonderful lime green VW!

When I drive it I feel like I'm in a giant bubble of happiness. And it has seat heaters ... although the winters in Texas are short, I am ever so thankful for a warm butt. Love it.

One of the many, many things I love about my car is the vase on the dashboard with yellow gerber daisies. I used PhotoShop on this photo, but I like the stylized daisies.

 Doesn't this view make you happy? Yeah, baby. That's what I'm talking about!

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