Monday, March 2, 2009



They fall down between the sofa and the wall. Or they wind up in another part of the house --- must be my olds-heimer -- and then I can't find them. And where is the VCR remote that we rarely use???

I've had enough of looking for the remote. And I'm way-doggies tired of fishing it out of the space between the loveseat and the end table.

Soooooo, yesterday I sat down with a little muslin, a little polar fleece, the bottom half of a plastic juice jug and a little rice and -- with just a touch from my trusty glue gun --- this is what I came up with.

I didn't use my embroidery machine. I wanted to know if I could just use some freehand zig-zag for a monogram and a little freehand stitching for the quilting and I think the result was pretty good.

I made the quilted portion a little longer than the juice container so I could wrap it (and hot glue it) to the inside top and around to the bottom of the container for a neater look. When I made the wrap-around-the-chair-arm thingy I stitched two smaller pockets on either side. Then I added some grosgrain ribbon just to pretty it up, filled them with rice and hand stitched them closed. I hot-glued the covered plastic container to the flat thing and VOILA! Remote holder!!

Okay, I know not everyone wants a remote thingy sticking up on the sofa, but for me, THIS WORKS!! And I love it!


Jean said...

Love it, but it would end up filled with other things like toy horses or tissues or food wrappers lol. And I love anything I can make with GLUE;)

TexNan said...

I knew I cut you off in the middle of something when I got home this afternoon. So that's what it was. Cool you!

What I did for ours didn't require a sewing machine, or ingenuity for that matter. I simply faux-leathered a papier-mache box that now sits on the table between our chairs (and fauxed some scrapbook buttons to look like upholstery tacks). We never lose remotes. How'd that happen?


Well, like I said, it gave me a chance to try out some sewing techniques and it holds the remotes nicely. Next post is more of the juice container!! Recycle, upcycle, reuse!